Privacy Notice
The Data Protection Act 2018 (“DPA 2018”) and the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) impose certain legal obligations in connection with the processing of personal data.
Elite Accountancy Services Ltd is a data controller within the meaning of the GDPR and we process personal data. The firm’s contact details are as follows:
Suite 2
The Point
Mayfield Road
LS29 8FL
Data Protection Officer: Joel Sendrowski ACMA
The purposes for which we intend to process personal data
We intend to process personal data for the following purposes:
The legal bases for our intended processing of personal data
Our intended processing of personal data has the following legal bases:
Categories of personal data collected
Source of personal data collected
Persons/organisations to whom we may give personal data
We may share your personal data with:
If the law allows or requires us to do so, we may share your personal data with:
We may need to share your personal data with the third parties identified above in order to comply with our legal obligations, including our legal obligations to you.
Transfers of personal data outside the EU
Your personal data will be processed in the UK.
In circumstances where we transfer personal data outside EEA, our data processors have ISO 27001 and BS 10012 (GDPR) compliant delivery centres based in India.
The transfers are protected by appropriate safeguards such as data protection agreements and Technical/Organisational measures, obliging the recipients to provide similar protection pursuant to GDPR. The processor will only use your personal information in accordance with our instructions.
If you wish your data to only be processed within the EEA, please contact us.
Retention of personal data
When acting as a data controller and in accordance with recognised good practice within the tax and accountancy sector we will retain all of our records relating to you as follows:
Where we act as a data processor as defined in DPA 2018, we will delete or return all personal data to the data controller as agreed with the controller at the termination of the contract.
Requesting personal data we hold about you (subject access requests)
You have a right to request access to your personal data that we hold. Such requests are known as ‘subject access requests’ (“SARs”).
Please provide all SARs in writing marked for the attention of Joel Sendrowski ACMA.
To help us provide the information you want and deal with your request more quickly, you should include enough details to enable us to verify your identity and locate the relevant information. For example, you should tell us:
If you do not have a national insurance number, you must send a copy of:
DPA 2018 requires that we comply with a SAR promptly and in any event within one month of receipt. There are, however, some circumstances in which the law allows us to refuse to provide access to personal data in response to a SAR (e.g. if you have previously made a similar request and there has been little or no change to the data since we complied with the original request).
We will not charge you for dealing with a SAR.
You can ask someone else to request information on your behalf – for example, a friend, relative or solicitor. We must have your authority to respond to a SAR made on your behalf. You can provide such authority by signing a letter which states that you authorise the person concerned to write to us for information about you, and/or receive our reply.
Where you are a data controller and we act for you as a data processor (e.g. by processing payroll), we will assist you with SARs on the same basis as is set out above.
Putting things right (the right to rectification)
You have a right to obtain the rectification of any inaccurate personal data concerning you that we hold. You also have a right to have any incomplete personal data that we hold about you completed. Should you become aware that any personal data that we hold about you is inaccurate and/or incomplete, please inform us immediately so we can correct and/or complete it.
Deleting your records (the right to erasure)
In certain circumstances you have a right to have the personal data that we hold about you erased. Further information is available on the ICO website ( If you would like your personal data to be erased, please inform us immediately and we will consider your request. In certain circumstances we have the right to refuse to comply with a request for erasure. If applicable, we will supply you with the reasons for refusing your request.
Confidentiality and conflicts
We agree never to share information relating to your business with any third party without prior consent, unless required to do so by law or to comply with regulations or quality control reviews. Likewise, you agree not to use or copy or allow use of the output of the work we do for with a third party without our prior permission.
You recognise that we may have to stop providing services to you in the event that a conflict arises between our duties to you and to another client. You will notify us if you have any reason to believe that such a conflict has arisen or may arise.
We may communicate with you electronically and you accept the risks associated with such communications, except anything arising through our negligence or wilful default.
Legislation and compliance
We are obliged by law and by CIMA to undertake checks to ensure that you and your business are operating lawfully. By agreeing to our terms of engagement you accept that we are authorised to complete such checks as necessary.
Under Money Laundering Regulations it is a criminal offence if we do not report suspicious transactions or if we inform a client that a report has been made against them.
CIMA Members in Practice are committed to fighting economic crime. If you have any suspicions that your accountant or anyone else associated with this accountancy practice is involved in, or associated with, money laundering there may be reasons why you do not wish to raise this with us directly. In such cases, you may make a confidential disclosure to CIMA.
Data Protection
We confirm that we will comply with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) when processing personal data about you, your directors and employees and family.
Processing means:
obtaining, recording or holding personal data; or
carrying out any operation or set of operations on personal data, including collecting and storage, organising, adapting, altering, using, disclosure (by any means) or removing (by any means) from
the records manual and digital.
The information we obtain process, use and disclose will be necessary for:
the performance of the contract
to comply with our legal and regulatory compliance and crime prevention
contacting you with details of other services where you have consented to us doing so
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